Sunday, January 21, 2007

Mongolia - Young Scientist of the Year

Source: Ollo Mongolian News & Information Leader Portal Website

President N.Enkhbayar awarded Young Scientist of Year of 2006 to Dr. Ulambayaryn Erdenebat, scientific officer of Archeological Institute, Academy of Science.

The diploma presented to the Young Scientist of Year excerpts from traditional proverb:
“A knowledgeable person shines by his creation
A precious stone shines by its color.”

In addition the diploma notes “You U.Erdenebat discovered the historical artifacts of ancient time and medieval period by archeological studies during the year of the 800th anniversary of the establishment of Great Mongolian State and wrote series of scientific works based on the artifacts.

I President of Mongolia highly value your contribution for studying, preserving and advertising abroad the historical and cultural artifacts of Mongolia and express my gratitude for your highly intellectual benefaction for the country and the people and bestow you the award named after the President of Mongolia.

May your future scientific work and creation be highly beneficial for the state and people and be well known for the world.

The Young Scientist of Year award named after the President of Mongolia consists of title, personal diploma and cash award of one million tugrugs and is sponsored by Anod Bank and Mongolia’s Foundation for Science and Technology.

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